Foundation Activities

The Foundation coordinates a number of activities to keep the Plan 9 operating system moving forward.




The first full year of operations.

  • Bell Laboratories, a unit of Nokia Corporation, announces the transfer of the Plan 9 operating system sources to the Plan 9 Foundation [ Press release ].
  • The Foundation is participating in GSoC 2021.
  • Preparing for a new release, including patches.


The Foundation incorporated in November.

Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2020
To: Nokia Bell Labs
Subject: the Plan 9 Foundation

We, the creators of Plan 9, are writing to you in support of transferring the Plan 9 IP to the Plan 9 Foundation. The transfer will benefit Plan 9 users both outside and inside of Nokia. Outside use and development has been stifled by the confusion around the current LPL license. Inside use is discouraged by a lack of community involvement and support. The Foundation has been founded to maintain a ’common root’ under a less encumbering license such as the BSD or MIT ones. This root will provide a stable platform on which users can further extend and customize the system.

Ken Thompson
Rob Pike
David Presotto
Phil Winterbottom
Eric Grosse